Get Clean-Go Green!


Say goodbye to toxic chemicals and transform your health and your home instantly!

It is an unfortunate reality that as a part of today’s society, we all live in an extremely polluted world. Day in and day out, our families and ecosystem are constantly and needlessly exposed to and besieged by, hundreds of dangerous chemicals, pesticides and highly toxic ingredients. Our ultra-modern, high-speed, throw away civilisation forces us to face an alarming rate of health issues, including allergies, thyroid complaints, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disorders, cancer, infertility, hormone disruption, skin irritations and Alzheimer’s disease to name but a few.

Thankfully, we are becoming increasingly aware that such chemicals, poisons and toxins are especially detrimental to our health and people are now modifying their diets by consuming more organic, farm-fresh, chemical-free produce, rather than the conventional processed products sold in regular supermarkets. This is a giant step forward for mankind and our overall well-being, yet we must understand it is not only what we consume that causes us to be exposed to hazardous chemicals.

Toxins are all around us, especially in our homes and environments. They feature in household cleaning products, cosmetics, skin care, furniture, flooring, bedding, electronics and cooking equipment; therefore it is equally important we protect our homes and environment, assuring they are in optimum health along with our bodies and minds. Millions of people have attempted a detox to eliminate internal toxins from their bodies yet how many of us do anything about eliminating the mounting toxin levels in our homes? Household cleaners, beauty products, skin care, make-up and various everyday items are being extensively scrutinised and the findings are proving hugely destructive to humankind. Effects are disturbing and wide-ranging, including reproductive, nervous, immune, cardiovascular and respiratory disorders, which is why quitting chemical-laden, processed foods alone is not enough. To optimise our total wellbeing significantly, we must also remove these pollutants from our homes.


One way to achieve this is to educate ourselves, ensuring we are all armed with the knowledge required to transform our lives and environments into safer, healthier spaces. We must vote through our choices and stop purchasing toxic formulas; after all, if there is no demand, there will be no supply. Surely this will force companies to think twice and begin manufacturing non-chemical and non-toxic products. Lets all make a stand and put an end to supporting organisations that pollute and poison our bodies, our children, our homes and our planet. Quit accepting it is a necessity to have chemicals and toxins in our lives.

chemical statistics reveal the average home contains up to 1000 chemicals, a number of which are considered unsafe or have not been thoroughly tested. While certain chemicals can be tolerated in small doses, they may, however, become problematic if combined or when we are exposed to them in large or frequent doses. We are all individuals and have different genetics and tolerance levels. Therefore, it is difficult to determine at what levels the chemicals begin to affect our general wellbeing, nevertheless it is a fact that abundant toxins can and do, lead to health problems. This alone should be enough of a reason to question what is hiding behind the confusing labels, clever marketing and fancy packaging of these perilous products. For the sake of our health, we must boycott these items immediately, making a stance against the authorities that allow companies to sell toxic poisons that can cause us irreversible harm.

By limiting contact and exposure to household chemicals, we instantly reduce the risk of hormonal imbalances, in turn yielding huge benefits, including fewer skin irritations, allergies, headaches and asthma, even lowering the risk of infertility and cancer.
Now is the time to take the health of your family home into your own hands, by looking closely at exactly what is lurking underneath your kitchen sink, within your bathroom cabinets and laundry. No doubt you will discover an array of conventional cleaning products containing a wealth of dangerous poisons. It is drastically important that not only do we change our diets but that we also incorporate lifestyle modifications and positive changes in and around our homes.
By taking the time to focus on our immediate environments and implementing simple adjustments, while thoroughly undergoing a major product clear out, we immediately reduce our ongoing exposure to chemical laden threats.


I understand only too well knowing exactly what to do to achieve this can seem mind boggling and overwhelming. For instance, where should you start? How much is there to do? How much will it cost? These are all commonly asked questions and precisely the reason I started my website.

Natures army is committed to spreading the word and informing society on the ongoing horrors and hazards that toxic everyday household items can wreak on our overall wellbeing, and how simply, by being mindful when purchasing products and opting for chemical free alternatives you are significantly improving your families health.

Join us today in our fight against conventional chemical based commodities, which are damaging the health of mankind and our fragile planet and take your first step towards a greener, cleaner, healthier future. Because you and your family are worth it.