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Hydration Station

Non-Alcoholic Mulled Wine

This is the perfect non-alcoholic Christmas drink, as it can be made well ahead, then brought out of the fridge as guests arrive – or serve it hot for a traditional winter warmer.

  • 2 cups pomegranate juice
  • 2 cups cranberry juice or non alcoholic red wine 750ml bottle
  • 2 cups water
  • 8 cloves
  • 6 blackberries
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 4 star anise
  • 1 orange sliced
  • brown sugar to taste

Add all ingredients to a large pot and bring to a very low boil on medium-high heat. Turn heat to low and steam for 20-30 minutes. If you’ve got more time you can leave it up to an hour. Strain, or remove orange slices and spices. Pour into a mug and add garnish. If the weather is very hot on Christmas Day, this also works brilliantly poured over ice.

Summer Mango Lemonade

Mango lemonade is something you can enjoy on hot summer days. It is the perfect tropical refreshment and super easy to make.

  • 1 cup lemon juice
  • 1 cup mango pulp
  • ½ cup honey
  • 5 cup chilled soda water
  • 2 tablespoon fresh mint leaves
  • ice for serving
  • 1 lemon sliced (optional for garnishing)

In a large glass pitcher or glass jar combine lemon juice, mango pulp, and honey. Mix well until the honey dissolves. Then add chilled soda water, fresh mint leaves, and refrigerate. Add few ice cubes in a serving jar. Pour chilled lemonade and garnish with a lemon slice and serve.

Refreshing Summer Mango Lemonade

Mangoes are versatile; delicious as a healthy snack on their own, perfectly pared with chicken or prawn, refreshing drinks, smoothies or sweet desserts. Have you tried our favourite refreshing Mango Lemonade yet?

  • 2 cups mango chunks (about 2 fresh mangoes)
  • Juice of 1 medium lemon
  • 12 oz water
  • 1-2 tsp raw honey (optional)

Blend all ingredients and divide evenly between two large glasses. Add ice and enjoy!

10 Benefits of drinking Apple Cider Vinegar 

| Hydration Station

For centuries, classic vinegar has been used for various household and cooking purposes. You may have heard by now about the buzz surrounding the benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar. It is a reputed ancient folk remedy, claiming to be of more use than a whole medicine chest.  It can allegedly ease and cure all sorts of health problems. So let’s take a look at the various health supporting benefits Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has to offer:
  1. ACV is high in acetic acid which has potent biological effects.
  2. ACV can assist with weight management. An apple cider vinegar weight-loss plan affects how blood sugar is regulated, according to a study by Carol Johnston, PhD, at Arizona State University. Drinking apple cider vinegar before a meal can reduce blood sugar spikes that would usually occur after eating.
  3. ACV can aid with digestion: The acetic acid in the vinegar blocks certain enzymes that break down starches for digestion, from being absorbed into the bloodstream.
  4. ACV can be used to lower cholesterol if it is the result of a poor diet or genetic predisposition.
  5. ACV is one of the more popular home remedies for warts, and there are several ways to use it. The most common method being, to soak a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar, apply it to the wart and cover it with a band aid. This is done twice a day until the wart falls off.
  6. ACV helps maintain a healthy alkaline pH level. Research shows that higher or lower acid levels can lead to a lack of energy and higher incidences of infection.
  7. ACV exhibits antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help to clear the odor causing bacteria. It also balances the pH levels to clear the bacteria that causing the bad breath.
  8. ACV can help to moderate your blood sugar levels, and with better blood sugar control, you’re less likely to crave quick energy hits like sweets.
  9. ACV can assist in brightening the skin, add gloss to your hair and can even lift away stains from your nails.
  10. Some studies have found that ACV at bedtime reduces fasting blood glucose in the morning.
The only downside: Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar can lead to the damage of tooth enamel. Over time, the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar can erode the enamel on your teeth, increasing your risk of developing cavities. Some natural & organic brands like Tonik or Bioglan provide Apple Cider Vinegar in a convenient gel capsule – all the same benefits – none of the nasty side affects!

Make the most of your Mangoes!

| Hydration Station | Uncategorized

Mangoes to us mean summer, sunshine and long light evenings serenaded by kookaburras. With the Australian Mango Season from September – February this is the best time to make the most of your juicy Mangoes. They are quick and easy to prepare, bursting with nutritional value and there are a range of varieties to be enjoyed all season long. But best of all, mangoes are versatile; delicious as a healthy snack on their own, perfectly pared with chicken or prawn, refreshing drinks, smoothies or sweet desserts.

Mango Smoothie

1 cup frozen diced mango
1/2 cup coconut yogurt
2 tsp fresh ginger
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/4 tsp cinnamon

Blend all ingredients until smooth and decorate the glass with mint leaves and some turmeric.

Mango Lemonande

2 cups mango chunks (about 2 fresh mangoes)
Juice of 1 medium lemon
12 oz water
1-2 tsp raw honey (optional)

Blend all ingredients and divide evenly between two large glasses. Add ice and enjoy!


How to trick yourself into drinking more water

| Hydration Station

Water doesn’t get the same media attention as green tea, antioxidants, and the latest diets. Yet it plays a much more critical part in our
daily lives.

Our bodies are made up of approximately 60% water, and every system depends on it. So water is not only important for healthy skin, hair, and nails, it also aids in controlling our body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. With this in mind let’s take a look at some of the tricks that will make the task of drinking water so much easier and more enjoyable.

Add a flavour to your pitcher
Chugging several glasses of water a day can seem like torture when every cup is tasteless. Add a bit of excitement by infusing fresh fruit (grapefruit, strawberries, lemon), veggie slices (cucumber, ginger, celery), and herbs (basil, mint, lavender) into your carafe.

Eat water-rich foods
One sneaky way to increase the amount of water you consume on a daily basis: is to eat your H2O. Add fruits and vegetables with a high water content to your grocery shopping list. Some top picks include cucumber (96% water), zucchini (95% water), watermelon (92% water), and grapefruit (91% water).

Set daily goals
Decide how many glasses or
litres of water you want to consume every day and zero in that figure as your daily target. In ideal cases, men should consume at least 2.5 litres and women should consume at least 2 litres of water every day.

Invest in a water bottle
It will not only help you make hourly goals but also keep track of the amount of water you consume throughout the day.

Set a time
Set a
fixed time for drinking water. For example, you can make a practice of having a glass of water after or before every bathroom break.

Opt in for hot water at night and in the morning
This will not only increase your water intake but will also aid digestion. Add lemon and honey to maintain your weight.

Always refill & keep a bottle in the car
When the glass or bottle is constantly full, you are more likely to drink water. It will be quite handy in traffic jams as it will keep you hydrated in hot weather.

Spice up your dishes
Add more chilli flakes or fresh pepper to your food as this will make you thirsty. Bonus: spicy food also leads to a higher metabolism.

Heal your gut & make your own Kombucha

| Hydration Station

Have you heard of Kombucha, the beverage the ancient Chinese called the “Immortal Health Elixir?” It’s been around for more than 2,000 years and has a rich anecdotal history of health benefits like preventing and fighting cancer, arthritis, and other degenerative diseases.

It is a traditional fermented drink made of black tea and sugar. It contains a variety of vitamins, minerals and enzymes and has been prized by traditional cultures for its health-promoting properties. It contains a colony of bacteria and yeast that are responsible for initiating the fermentation process once combined with sugar. After being fermented, the Kombucha becomes carbonated and contains vinegar, b-vitamins, enzymes, probiotics and a high concentration of acid (acetic, gluconic and lactic), which are tied with the following effects:

Cleansing and Detoxification
The enzymes and bacterial acids in kombucha ease the burden on the liver by reducing pancreatic load.

Improved Digestion
Because it’s naturally fermented with a living colony of bacteria and yeast, Kombucha is a probiotic beverage. The healthy gut flora improves digestion, fights candida overgrowth, improves mental clarity and stabilizes moods.

Weight Loss
Drinking a glass upon waking up in the morning is recommended to help stimulate the metabolism and reset your digestive system for the day.

Increased Energy
Kombucha’s ability to invigorate people is credited to the formation of iron that is released from the black tea during the fermentation process. It also contains some caffeine (although in very small amounts) and b-vitamins, which can energize the body.

Immune Support
Kombucha is extraordinarily anti-oxidant rich, and you all know the benefits of anti-oxidants for boosting your immune system and energy levels.

Reduced Joint Pain
Kombucha contains glucosamines, a strong preventive and treatment all forms of arthritis.

Cancer Prevention
Kombucha is also beneficial for cancer prevention and recovery. A study published in Cancer Letters found that consuming glucaric acid found in kombucha reduced the risk of cancer in humans.

How to make your own Kombucha:
Here is a simple recipe for making your own kombucha at home. This recipe makes about eight cups of kombucha, but you can also double the recipe to make more and you still only need one SCOBY disk.

You will need a glass jar to hold the liquid and a coffee filter or towel for a lid.

  • 8 cups hot (not boiling) water
  • 1/2 cup organic evaporated cane crystals (sugar)
  • 4 tea bags (black, oolong or green)
  • 1 cup already-made unflavored kombucha tea

Kombucha culture (Scoby). You will need to purchase a Scoby disk and can find one either in health food stores or online at very inexpensive prices. A Scoby disk can be vacuumed-sealed in a small pouch and shipped directly to your house for only a few dollars, while still preserving all of the active yeast ingredients.

  1. Bring your water to boil in a big pot on the stovetop. Once boiling, remove from the heat and add your teabags and sugar, stirring until the sugar dissolves.
  2. Allow the pot to sit and the tea to steep for about 15 minutes, then remove and discard tea bags.
  3. Let the mixture cool down to room temperature (about one hour). Once it’s cooled, add your tea mixture to your big jar/bowl. Drop in your SCOBY disk and 1 cup of pre-made kombucha.
  4. Cover the jar with a tight-weave towel or coffee filter and secure with a rubber band. Allow the mixture to sit undisturbed, out of direct sunlight, for 7-30 days, or to taste. The longer the Kombucha ferments, the less sweet and more vinegary it will taste.
  5. Pour kombucha off the top of the jar for consuming. Retain the SCOBY and enough liquid from the bottom of the jar to use as starter tea for the next batch. The finished kombucha can be flavored and bottled, if desired, or enjoyed plain.

A Cosy Hug In A Mug, For Those Chilly Winter Days!

| Hydration Station

Treat yourself to this super healthy warming hug in a mug to keep out the cold on those chilly winter mornings.

All you need is:

skin from one pineapple

1 tsp ground turmeric

zest of one orange

small piece of ginger

Raw honey to sweeten (optional)


Place the pineapple skin in a pan with the turmeric, orange zest and ginger. Cover with 1.2 litres of water and bring to the boil over a medium heat. Take off the heat, allow to infuse for 3 minutes, then strain. Sweeten with honey if you like, then serve.


Home-made Lavender Lemonade

| Hydration Station


The mercury has been rising in Sydney, reaching an unbearably hot 40 degrees!

Now I am not complaining as I do love the heat, but 40 degrees has even me running for the shade, gasping for a long refreshing drink.  So what better to way cool off and re-hydrate than with this deliciously beautiful Lavender lemonade. It not only tastes amazing but has no added sugar!



2 Tbsp food grade lavender
3 cups water
3 lemons
15-30 drops liquid stevia to taste
5 cups soda water or sparkling water
Ice cubes


Boil 3 cups of water and steep 1Tbsp lavender in the hot water. This can be done in a pot on the stove or with a kettle and a tea pot. Allow the tea to steep for 2 hours.
Once the lavender tea has cooled, place it in the fridge for a further 2 hours.
Juice the lemons and pour the juice into a large pitcher or jug.
Strain the lavender water to remove the buds and add it to the lemon juice along with the stevia. Adjust the sweetness as desired by adding addition drops of stevia one at a time.
Place the mixture in the fridge for a final 2 hours to chill.
Before serving the lavender lemonade add 5 cups of soda or sparkling water, plenty of ice cubes and 1 Tbsp lavender for garnish.Sit back, relax, and sip away.

Feeling cooler already!


“Turn Up The Turmeric”!

| Hydration Station


Turmeric chai or golden milk is a traditional Ayurvedic drink, used for centuries to improve overall health and vitality. It is usually taken at night to promote sleep and heal an array of ailments, including common colds, sore throats, indigestion, diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, menstrual cramps, headaches and arthritis.
It is also claimed to fight breast, liver, colon and prostate cancer, relieve depression, promote digestive health, detoxify the liver, purify blood, boost circulation, accelerate wound-healing, relieve pain, protect against cardiovascular disease and help with neurological disorders.
Most of turmerics super powers hail from its key compound, curcumin, which has strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic properties. The health benefits of turmeric are further enhanced by adding black pepper, as research shows that black pepper contains piperine, a compound that helps the body absorb curcumin more effectively.
Cinnamon, ginger and cardamom are also an important addition to the milk as they not only enhance the flavour, they also offer supplementary health benefits. The cinnamon helps to control blood sugar, reduces bad cholesterol and improves circulation. Whilst the cardamom and ginger improves digestion, aids detoxification and quells bad breath. The addition of cold pressed virgin coconut oil increases the immune-boosting and cholesterol-lowering benefits of this miracle milk.

Unsweetened almond, soy or other non dairy milk
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp cardamom powder
1/2 tsp fresh grated ginger
1/2 tsp cold pressed coconut oil
Raw honey or pure maple syrup to taste

Pour a glass of milk into a pan and simmer gently on a low heat. Then place all of the remaining ingredients into the pan with the milk (except honey or maple syrup) and stir well.
Strain the liquid through a small, fine mesh sieve or tea strainer and sweeten with a little honey or maple syrup.
Drink this golden magic brew daily in the evenings before going to bed and sleep like a baby. Sweet dreams !! x