6 Simple Product Swaps


There are only 10 weeks until the 31st December and the beginning of a New Year.

Many of us signify “A New Year” as a time to start a fresh, an out with the old and in with the new approach. Millions of us make resolutions to quit this, quit that, be better at this, stronger at that, some even throw themselves into new diets and detox’s. However how many of us think about what needs reforming in our environments and the benefits we could gain by making 2017 the year we decided to begin detoxing our homes and lives of as many toxic chemicals as possible ?


Obviously there are countless changes to be made, yet due to the vast amount of products we employ unwittingly everyday, it would be impossible to eradicate them all in one foul swoop, nonetheless we can progress by making simple changes and healthier choices. After all it really is that important, and maybe one of the most significant resolutions you ever make.

Here’s the deal: Carcinogens in conventional products usually only show up in small amounts. Nevertheless when we use multiple products over and over again, those small amounts compound and that so-called safe allotment grows into something more complicated.

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), women applies around 12 products a day with an average of 168 different ingredients, whilst the average man uses six products daily, with an average of 85 unique ingredients. That’s an awful amount of ingredients we’re putting on our bodies every day, most of which are absorbed it into our bloodstream.

Swapping the toxic, chemical laiden products you have become accustomed to over the years, may seem a daunting task, however, fear not! as there are numerous simple steps in which to obtain safer alternatives. The first place to start, is to ask yourself, which products you use every day, and then adhere to cut down and reduce your exposure to the potential carcinogens within those products.

Here are a few simple product swaps that you can make right now, that will have a significant impact on your health and wellbeing for the better!

1. Deodorant

gty_deodorant_ml_131001_16x9_992 Of course deodorant stops us from smelling less than ideal as a courtesy to our fellow humans but at what cost to ourselves? Many toxins have been found in deodorants — and especially antiperspirants — that are linked to Alzheimer’s, breast cancer, and birth defects. Thankfully, there are numerous natural alternatives on the market, that are super-effective and leave out ingredients like aluminium, triclosan, and parabens, protecting our bloodstream and lymphatic systems.

2. Sunscreen

Another product we all need on a daily basis especially in hot countries like Australia, yet not all formulas are created equal. Vitamin A is a popular ingredient in conventional sunscreens and while it’s great for us when consumed, it can encourage the growth of skin tumors when applied topically and exposed to sunlight.


Chemical sunscreens can also contain oxybenzone (a hormone-disrupting compound), octisalate (a known allergen), and endocrine disruptors such as, homosalate and octinoxate. It is also a smart move to avoid spray-on sunscreens that release nanoparticles into the air.
Instead, say yes to zinc oxide formulas, with natural mineral ingredients that give you excellent protection without the dangerous hormone-disrupting ingredients.

3. Toothpaste

We use toothpaste at least twice a day, which is why it’s crucial to switch to a non-toxic brand. Triclosan is a favoured addition to sanatising soaps and deodorants, but it is also a popular ingredient in conventional toothpaste. Triclosan has been proven to help prevent gingivitis, but it’s also been linked to antibiotic resistance and endocrine disruption, which can potentially cause


breast, ovarian, prostate, and testicular cancer.

Something else to look out for is sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), the ingredient that makes toothpaste foam. Unfortunately, SLS often causes skin irritation and canker sores. The good news is, there are many great herbal alternatives available that leave out these harmful ingredients and still clean and whiten your teeth.

4. Dish Soap

One daily routine many of us have in common is washing dishes after cooking and eating, which means that whatever dish soap you’re using is touching your plates, cups, and silverware, and washing-upultimately soaking into your food. Many dish soaps contain the aforementioned SLS, triclosan, and fragrance. Do you want that stuff to end up on your food and in your body? No I thought not! For this reason always ensure you purchase one of the non-toxic, safe dish soap alternatives instead.

5. Candles

Candles can brighten up our homes and work spaces but they may have a dark secret: Most candles are made from paraffin wax, which creates potent and highly toxic toluene and benzene when burned, the same fumes that are created from diesel fuel.


Another potential problem is the fragrance used in candles because it’s a proprietary ingredient, meaning manufacturers don’t have to list what chemicals are included in the blend. Safer, healthier alternatives are beeswax and soy wax candles that aren’t chemically processed and essential oil diffusers.

6. All-Purpose Cleaner

The all-purpose cleaner is an easy go-to when you’re trying to clean your home, however, spraying one all round your house makes for some serious toxic indoor air. Many mainstream cleaners contain ammonium hydroxide, ethanol-amine, propylene glycol methyl, and dipropylene glycol butyl ether. These ingredients are extremely toxic and can cause harmful effects such as, allergies, irritations, and respiratory symptoms to cancer, damage to DNA, and developmental, endocrine, and reproductive effects.cleaning-kid
This stuff is no joke, and we definitely don’t want it floating around our indoor air and hanging out on every surface we touch. A sure way to eradicate these noxious toxins from our environments for good is to ensure that all cleaning products purchased are non-toxic, safe and natural, or better still, set about creating your own formulas from simple basic everyday ingredients, such as, lemons, vinegar, baking soda and essential oils. Not only are these ingredients super effective, you have the added piece of mind that they are 100% child, pet and environmentally friendly, which in anyones book has to be a win win situation.

So lets start cleaning up our homes and lives naturally, by making these 6 easy swaps. I promise you will not find it difficult, and you and your family’s health will benefit from these simple changes immensely. Start today. “Because Your Worth It”!