Our favourite natural Health & Home Remedies

Unfortunately we can not always avoid getting sick. So thank goodness for these wonderful natural food remedies that have the power to help us get through an illness with the minimum of distress.  It is so important that we are always kind to ourselves, even more so when we are feeling a little under the weather. Rest when your body tells you to and listen to the signs it gives you.

One of the main building blocks for life is water, therefore we should be aware of just how important it is to keep our bodies hydrated. Don’t forget: Two-thirds of our body weight is water – so by the time you feel thirsty, you have actually been dehydrated for up to an hour!

Cold & flu Remedy
Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey in 1 cup of hot water and drink three times daily to break up mucus congestion. Diluted lemon juice in hot water can help to relieve a fever. Elderflower, also helps you sweat. And it happens to be good for other problems associated with flu and colds. To make elderflower tea, mix two teaspoons of the herb in a cup of boiled water and let it steep for 15 minutes. Strain out the elderflower. Drink three times a day as long as the fever continues. Soothing treat: cold grapes provide hydration.

Look in your fridge for instant relief.  Simply blend plain yoghurt with cucumber and apply directly to the skin or if you do not have any yoghurt try applying a grated potato poultice to the burn area. A compress of cold milk is also highly effective. For sunburned eyes, apply cucumber slices, grated raw potato, apple, or chilled chamomile tea bag poultices.

With an inflammatory condition such as shingles, it is wise to eat foods that cool the blood, mostly fruits and vegetables. Mung beans, apples, beetroot, carrots, cucumbers, lemon, and water are all effective. Drink 1.5 litres of beetroot, celery or cucumber juice daily (unless pregnant) to alkalise the body and cool inflammation internally.

Blueberries, blackberries, cranberry, raspberries and cherries all contain flavonoids that strengthen the walls of veins. It is also helpful to take a supplement of 500 mg of bioflavonoids plus rutin (bioflavonoid, or plant pigment, that is found in certain vegetables and fruits) daily to strengthen capillaries.

Consume plenty of vitamin K-rich foods, such as green leafy vegetables, which improves blood-clotting ability. Nettle tea is also high in vitamin K. Drinking
Nettle tea daily can help if you bruise easily.