“Pure Bliss”!


These little balls of zesty bliss are still my favourite go to treat and picnic necessity! They are unbelievably easy to make and are perfect for quick snacks, lunch boxes or any time you crave a healthier alternative to satisfy your sweet tooth.

However, beware as these gorgeous, guilt free goodies are extremely addictive and one is never enough, be sure to make plenty !!


1 cup of raw cashew nuts
1 cup of unsweetened desiccated coconut
Zest of half a large organic lemon
Juice of half an organic lemon (Use a full lemon if you prefer a stronger lemon flavour)
Juice of half an organic lime
1/2 teaspoon concentrated natural vanilla extract
pinch of sea salt
2 tbls of pure maple syrup
extra unsweetened desiccated coconut


Place all of the ingredients into a blender or food processor in the order listed above, and pulse at high speed until the mixture is smooth and the nuts and coconut have broken down. (Do not over process if you are using a high powered machine, or you may end up with a butter as opposed to a

mixture you can roll into balls). Using wet hands begin to shape the mixture into small balls. Finish by rolling the balls in the extra coconut. Place in the fridge for one hour to firm up before eating. Store the balls in an air tight container in the fridge. Enjoy!