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Homemade Cleaning Recipes & Tips

A house is not a home without a pet

When you have a pet or children at home, it’s normal to wonder how flooring and other household cleaners are affecting them. Some cleaners can be toxic to humans and many are also toxic to pets. Babies and small children are susceptible to household cleaners that contain harsh chemicals. Some household cleaners can affect a baby’s skin, eyes and airways. There are several ways you can turn simple ingredients into cleaning products for a wide range of purposes.

This ginger spice shake and vac is a powder carpet freshener which eliminates lingering, pet and cooking odours that get trapped in carpets. With this recipe you can sprinkle the mixture evenly over the carpet and vacuum thoroughly for a clean, fresh scent in minutes.

🌿1 cup baking soda
🌿 5 drops cinnamon essential oil
🌿 2 drops of ginger essential oil

Mix all the ingredients together and spoon into an empty spice jar or cocoa shaker, or any other vessel with a sprinkler lid.

This spicy deodoriser is especially effective at eliminating pet odours from carpets and rugs, leaving them feeling and smelling instantly fresher. Shake the powder over carpets or rugs and leave to work for a few hours before vacuuming clean.

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It’s what flowers do!”

Once you start using eco-friendly, green cleaning products and tools and see how well they work, others will most likely follow suit. Don’t be shy about green cleaning at home or the office. As the more of us that make the change the healthier we and our environment will be! Setting an example not only for adults but for children guarantees a brighter future not only for mankind but for our precious planet!

How to clean glasses safely and naturally?

For sparkling glassware over the holidays and to remove stubborn stains, add a little salt to a damp microfibre cloth for extra abrasive power and rub gently in a circular motion. Although the salt is abrasive, it is gentle enough not to scratch the delicate glass. Rinse with warm water and dry to a high shine with a glass cloth. For spotless glasses whilst using the dishwasher, place 1 cup of white vinegar into the rinse aid well while running, this is also effective on stainless steel cutlery.

Good wood guide: Opt in for eco-friendly options

Inexpensive furniture and panelling appear to be  a cost-effective solution to deck out your home. Nonetheless, be aware that many of these pieces are constructed from particle board, plywood, fibreglass, fibre board or foams, produced from undesirable compounds, capable of emitting dangerous gases and fumes into the air for many years. Ideally, purchase solid, natural, wooden items; they really are worth the extra expense and last a lifetime. A wealth of high quality wooden or recycled timber commodities can be sourced inexpensively from local charity shops, car boot sales and online.

Spring Cleaning Tips: How to make a natural baking soda bathroom cleaner

Make your own natural bathroom cleaner using these 4 simple ingredients. All of them are super easy to get!


  • 1½ cups baking soda
  • ½ cup Castile liquid soap
  • 1 cup filtered/distilled water
  • 2 tablespoons white vinegar


Mix baking soda and Castile soap in a bowl and dilute with water. Add vinegar and stir well, ensuring any lumps have dissolved. Pour liquid into a glass spray bottle and shake well before use.


A powerful cleaner ideal for any bathroom surface, it cuts through soap scum, mould and mildew. Simply spray and wipe the surface with a clean cloth and rinse off residue with warm water.

Spring Cleaning: Bit by bit

Breaking up household chores makes them less daunting. For instance, doing a little bit of housework each day helps to keep on top of things and stops the workload from piling up, making cleaning day not quite as forbidding.

If, like myself, you do not have a dishwasher, a helpful hint is to fill the sink with very hot washing up water just before preparing dinner. Then simply pop the dirty utensils, pots, plates and pans in the water as you use them, that way they will be soaking while you eat and be ready just to give a quick wash once you are finished. No matter how tired you are, aim to wash the dishes straight after dinner, then let them air dry overnight. This will save you from the dreaded washing up mountain the next day and will also give dishes time to dry naturally, leaving them clean and germ-free.

Empty the bins regularly and before replacing the bin liner, put a few spare bags at the bottom of the bin, so they are always there to hand. Get into the simple habit of emptying your bins each evening and leaving them by the front door; this way you can just scoop them up and carry them out with you the next morning.

Spring Cleaning Tips: How to make a natural mould and mildew remover

Certain cases of mould can get out of hand if they aren’t treated right away. Here’s a quick recipe for removing mould naturally.

  • 1/2 lemon, juiced
  • 1 tablespoon white vinegar

Combine the lemon juice and vinegar together in a small bowl.

Directions. Taking an old toothbrush, gently brush the mixture into the grout and leave for 30 minutes before rinsing with hot water. The addition of the vinegar adds extra antifungal and antibacterial action to the lemon juice.

Air Fresheners: Are they safe?

We all want our homes and environments to smell sweet and fresh, yet the use of artificial air fresheners, plug-ins, potpourri and scented candles is not the way forward; they are loaded with toxic ingredients and emit volatile organic compounds known as VOC’s into the air, which in turn are inhaled into our lungs and respiratory systems. VOC’s are highly toxic and responsible for headaches, dizziness, mood swings, fatigue, drowsiness, sore throats and impaired memory loss. Constant long-term exposure to volatile compounds is thought to provoke hormonal imbalances, brain damage and certain cancers.

To maintain a wonderfully fresh and fragrant home, set about creating one or more of my delicious room fragrances from fresh citrus fruits and herbs, or one of the beautiful essential oil recipes, which will fill your home with pure, uplifting, intoxicating, natural aromas.