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Putting The Ban On Hidden Dangers!

| Inside & Out



Everyone should take the time to read the ABC news’s damning report below, on the numerous dangers of the chemical Triclosan which is added to a multitude of antibacterial soaps, washes and household products.

Australian manufacturers are following the US lead in removing some chemicals from antibacterial soaps, over concerns they could be doing more harm than good.dirty-3

Key points:

Woolworths, Aldi, Colgate-Palmolive and Reckitt Benckiser (which owns Dettol) are to remove “ineffective” chemicals from antibacterial products.

The chemicals, triclosan and triclocarban, have been banned by the US FDA but are still legal in Australia!

Microbiologist says Australia should follow US lead, given routine use of antibacterial soaps is promoting “superbugs”

The ABC has confirmed four producers are set to remove triclosan and triclocarban — which are banned in the United States but legal in Australia — from their products.

A fifth company is looking at reformulating its medicated soap.

Those two chemicals were among 19 active ingredients banned by the US Food and Drug Administration in September.

The FDA said there was not enough evidence to show these products were better than ordinary soap and water, and that they could do more harm than good.

The ruling cited concerns from scientists that long-term exposure to these chemicals could promote antibiotic resistance, disrupt hormones and, potentially, cause cancer in mice.

Calls for similar ban in Australia

Microbiologist Liz Harry, from University of Technology Sydney’s ithree institute, which researches infectious diseases, was pleased about the changes in America.

“I’m really surprised that the US has done this, because there must have been a lot of pressure from commercial entities … I think this is fantastic. I applaud it,” she said.

dirtyManufacturers plan to eliminate chemicals within 12 months.

The ABC visited several supermarkets, department stores, pharmacies and discount retailers where soaps containing triclosan and triclocarban are sold legally in Australia.

Johnson & Johnson produces Gamophen medicated soap, containing triclosan, for the treatment of acne.

In a statement, the company said it was “exploring options for the reformulation of Gamophen, ensuring it continues to deliver the same quality benefits for consumers”.

Avoiding bugs and germs is in your hands

You may know keeping your hands clean is one of the best ways to prevent illnesses, but there is more to keeping your mitts germ-free than you may think.
When the ABC contacted four other manufacturers, they each confirmed they would eliminate the chemicals that are banned in the US in the next 12 months.

Those companies were Woolworths, Aldi, Colgate-Palmolive and Reckitt Benckiser (RB) — the makers of Dettol.

RB said none of its liquid products contained chemicals banned in the US, adding that: “Dettol bar soap in Australia does contain triclocarban (TCC) at levels well below those considered safe by authorities such as the European Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS).

“As with all our products — they comply with the local regulations of the markets in which they are sold.

“By the end of 2017 none of our formulations will contain TCC”.

Aldi, Woolworths and Johnson & Johnson distribute soaps containing triclosan, a chemical Sydney’s St Vincent’s Hospital stopped using five years ago when it was found to be ineffective.


The FDA decision excluded hospitals, where antibacterial products are critical to prevent infection.

But Ms Pontivivo said they were carefully managed.

“We do try to limit access to chemicals because we also want to protect our healthcare workers. But there are times when it’s really important that we do have access to them and use them wisely,” she said.

“I don’t think that the general public should be using these chemicals. And I don’t think they need to.
“I think warm, soapy water and drying your hands is quite adequate.”

Dirt ‘great’ for children

The ABC visited a childcare centre in the Sydney suburb of Top Ryde, where children are encouraged to explore the natural environment and play with mud.

Early childhood teacher Jake Beesley said exposure to bacteria was healthy for children, who were encouraged to wash their hands with soap and water.

“It is a little bit disheartening when you see people passing around little bottles of hand sanitiser before they have a meal,” he said.

“It just seems to be a little bit of scare-mongering.

“Try not to be sacred of dirt. It’s a good thing. It’s great for the children.”armyp

Professor Harry said other ingredients contained in antibacterial soaps should be investigated.

“Do we really need them? Do they lead to a decrease in the number of infections?” she said.
“Secondly — are they safe to use? And thirdly are they going to lead to resistance to drugs that we need to save lives?”

The Therapeutic Goods Administration is looking at whether any action is required in Australia.

“I Scream, We All Scream”!

| Inside & Out


Bully gets a ice a cream treat on a hot summer day.

Slowly but surely people are beginning to peel off the winter layers. dust off their thongs and head for the beach, and what better way to cool down on a hot sunny day, than with a delicious, ice cream treat!!

Who doesn’t love ice cream? it’s cooling and comforting and reminds us of our care free childhood days. Sadly, our favourite summer indulgence is no longer made from the wholesome ingredients it used to be!

The truth is that companies are doing everything possible to reduce their costs of production and increase their profits. Today’s ice cream is all about the money and no longer about the treat itself. So what lengths are manufacturers actually going to in their quest for financial gain?

Many commercial ice creams on the market today are not fit for human consumption! Firstly, the fact that the milk they are produced from has been sourced from dairy cattle that have been given growth hormones to increase milk production is not good! The use of growth hormones in dairy herds can increase the risk of infections to the mammary glands such as mastitis.  To combat these disorders, many dairy farmers inject the cows with antibiotics, which then find there way in to the milk supply.

When humans consume milk containing the antibiotic residue, it can cause our bodies to build up a resistance to antibiotics, rendering them useless should we suffer a bacterial infection. The antibacterial residue can also cause allergic reactions in milk drinkers.

As if that is not enough to put you off your Mr Whippy, there are also a host of pretty scary toxic chemical additions, however depending on which country you live in, certain manufacturers by law are not forced to list the chemical ingredients they put into their concoctions.

So for that reason, I have listed them for you below, and I am sure it will not have you ice screaming with joy!!

Diethyl glycol (DEG) – Is a paint solvent, used to produce polyester resins and plasticisers. A common  addition in anti-freeze for engines and paint removers. It is also employed as a cheap substitute (emulsifier) instead of eggs to thicken ice cream. The FDA  have stated that this substance in ANY amount is not suitable for use in toothpastes. So how on earth can it be allowed to be added to foods we consume?dog-ice-and-girl

Piperonal also known as heliotropin – Is added in place of vanilla as a cheap substitute. It’s listed in the National Library of Medicine HSDB Database as “moderately toxic” as well as a “human skin irritant”. Also a common ingredient in head lice formulas to kill lice.

Ethyl Acetate (EtOAc or EA) – A pineapple flavouring,  used as a cleaner for leather and textiles. Commonly found in paints, nail polish and glues as an activator or hardener. Its vapors have been known to cause chronic lung, liver and heart damage.

Aldehyde C-17 – A cherry flavouring. An inflammable liquid employed in dyes and the manufacture of plastic and rubber.

Amyl Acetate (pentyl acetate, also known as banana oil) – A banana flavouring. More commonly used as a paint and lacquer solvent.

Butyraldehyde (butanal) – Derived from butane. Used in the manufacturing of plasticisers, alcohols, solvents, polymers, rubber accelerators and cements, textile auxiliaries, perfumery and flavors.

Benzyl Acetate (phenylmethyl acetate) – A fragrance and food flavoring agent to name but one of its uses. Also found in detergents, soaps, inks, polishers, lacquers and as a solvent in plastics and resins.

Propylene Glycol (1,2-propanediol or propane-1,2-diol) – A humectant (E1520) and preservative found in food and tobacco products. Also a solvent in plastics and paint and added to aircraft de-icing fluid, automotive engine anti-freeze, liquid household and dishwashing detergents, as well as industrial soaps and cleaning fluids. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) lists the kidneys, urinary and respiratory system as well as the skin as being affected by propylene glycol. The acute oral toxicity of propylene glycol is classed as very low. However, it is still toxic!

Sodium benzoate (E211) – A popular preservative in foods, drinks, medicines and cosmetics. Also used in fireworks as a fuel, and has been shown in studies to be a carcinogenic substance. Professor Peter Piper, a professor of molecular biology and biotechnology at Sheffield University, in 2007 said “These chemicals have the ability to cause severe damage to DNA in the mitochondria to the point that they totally inactivate it; they knock it out altogether. The mitochondria consumes the oxygen to give you energy and if you damage it – as happens in a number of diseased states – then the cell starts to malfunction very seriously. And there is a whole array of diseases that are now being tied to damage to this DNA – Parkinson’s and quite a lot of neuro-degenerative diseases, but above all the whole process of ageing.”ice-cream-cone-cakes

When combined with vitamin C or E, the combination causes benzene to be formed. Benzene has been revealed to cause cancer.

Potassium sorbate (E202) – A preservative, added to inhibit the growth of yeast and molds to increases shelf life. Research has shown it to be a respiratory, skin and eye irritant. Some studies have stated that it is  both genotoxic and mutagenic to human blood cells. Potassium sorbate is  toxic to human DNA which negatively affects immunity.

Polysorbate 80 (E433 as well as many other names) – An emulsifier frequently found in ice cream. Also added to soaps and shampoos. Known to suppress the immune system, causing severe allergic reactions including anaphylactic shock.

There you have it, the scary truth about our beloved ice cream. So before you decide on one scoop or two, think twice about what you are putting in your mouth!! Always ensure that you are buying a high quality, non toxic product. Better still try one of the delicious recipes in the menu on the web site, they are quick, easy, delicious and chemical free.

“Our Toxic World”!

| Inside & Out


This is a frightening, yet eye opening report, written and researched by the Toxics Action Centre. It really is important that everyone, who cares about the health and wellbeing of their family and the future of our planet, should take the time to read.


Pesticides are the only toxic substances released intentionally into our environment to kill living things. This includes substances that kill weeds (herbicides), insects (insecticides), fungus (fungicides), rodents (rodenticides), and others.

The use of toxic pesticides to manage pest problems has become a common practice around the world. Pesticides are used almost everywhere, not only in agricultural fields, but also in homes, parks, schools, buildings, forests, and roads. It is difficult to find somewhere where pesticides aren’t used, from the can of bug spray under the kitchen sink to the airplane, crop dusting acres of farmland, our world is filled with pesticides. In addition, pesticides can be found in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink.

When Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring in 1962, she raised public awareness about the effects of pesticide use on our health and our environment. However, almost forty years after Carson drew attention to the health and environmental impacts of DDT, the use of equally hazardous pesticides has only increased. And all the time there is more evidence surfacing that human exposure to pesticides is linked to health problems. For example, in May 2010, scientists from the University of Montreal and Harvard University released a study that found that exposure to pesticide residues on vegetables and fruit may double a child’s risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a condition that can cause inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity in children.

Pesticides are used in our schools, parks, and public lands. Pesticides are sprayed on agricultural fields and wood lots. Pesticides can be found in our air, our food, our soil, our water and even in our breast milk.

Pesticides and Human Health

Pesticides have been linked to a wide range of human health hazards, ranging from short-term impacts such as headaches and nausea to chronic impacts such as, cancer, reproductive harm, and endocrine disruption.pesticides

Acute dangers

Include nerve, skin, and eye irritation, headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and systemic poisoning which can sometimes be dramatic, and even occasionally fatal.

Chronic health effects may occur years after even minimal exposure to pesticides in the environment, or result from the pesticide residues which we ingest through our food and water. A July 2007 study conducted by researchers at the Public Health Institute, the California Department of Health Services, and the UC Berkeley School of Public Health found a sixfold increase in risk factor for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) for children of women who were exposed to organochlorine pesticides.

Pesticides can cause many types of cancer in humans. Some of the most prevalent forms include leukemia, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, brain, bone, breast, ovarian, prostate, testicular and liver cancers. In February 2009, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry published a study that found that children who live in homes where their parents use pesticides are twice as likely to develop brain cancer versus those that live in residences in which no pesticides are used.

Studies by the National Cancer Institute found that American farmers, who in most respects are healthier than the population at large, had startling incidences of leukemia, Hodgkins disease, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, and many other forms of cancer.

There is also mounting evidence that exposure to pesticides disrupts the endocrine system, toxic-babwreaking havoc with the complex regulation of hormones, the reproductive system, and embryonic development. Endocrine disruption can produce infertility and a variety of birth defects and developmental defects in offspring, including hormonal imbalance and incomplete sexual development, impaired brain development, behavioral disorders, and many others. Examples of known endocrine disrupting chemicals which are present in large quantities in our environment include DDT (which still persists in abundance more than 20 years after being banned in the U.S.), lindane, atrazine, carbaryl, parathion, and many others.

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is a medical condition characterized by the body’s inability to tolerate relatively low exposure to chemicals. This condition, also referred to as Environmental Illness, is triggered by exposure to certain chemicals and/or environmental pollutants. Exposure to pesticides is a common way for individuals to develop MCS, and once the condition is present, pesticides are often a potent trigger for symptoms of the condition. The variety of these symptoms can be dizzying, including everything from cardiovascular problems to depression to muscle and joint pains. Over time, individuals suffering from MCS will begin to react adversely to substances that formerly did not affect them.

For individuals suffering from MCS, the only way to relieve their symptoms is to avoid those substances that trigger adverse reactions. For some individuals, this can mean almost complete isolation from the outside world.

Pesticides and Children


Children are particularly susceptible to the hazards associated with pesticide use. There is now considerable scientific evidence that the human brain is not fully formed until the age of 12, and childhood exposure to some of the most common pesticides on the market may greatly impact the development of the central nervous system. Children have more skin surface for their size than adults, absorb proportionally greater amounts of many substances through their lungs and intestinal tracts, and take in more air, food and water per pound than adults. Children have not developed their immune systems, nervous systems, or detoxifying mechanisms completely, leaving them less capable of fighting the introduction of toxic pesticides into their systems.

Many of the activities that children engage in – playing in the grass, putting objects into their mouth and even playing on carpet – increase their exposure to toxic pesticides. The combination of likely increased exposure to pesticides and lack of bodily development to combat the toxic effects of pesticides means that children are suffering disproportionately from their impacts.

Pesticides and the Environment

Since the publication of Rachel Carson’s landmark 1962 book Silent Spring, the impacts of pesticides on the environment have been well known. Pesticides are toxic to living organisms. Some can accumulate in water systems, pollute the air, and in some cases have other dramatic environmental effects. Scientists are discovering new threats to the environment that are equally disturbing.

Pesticide use can damage agricultural land by harming beneficial insect species, soil microorganisms, and worms which naturally limit pest populations and maintain soil health;

Weakening plant root systems and immune systems;

Reducing concentrations of essential plant nutrients in the soil such nitrogen and phosphorous.

The Myth of Safety: A Failed Regulatory System

Despite what government agencies and corporations tell you, pesticide products currently on the market are not safe, even when they are used legally. There are many flaws in the way that pesticides are registered and in our political process that allows corporations to influence pesticide policy to allow the continued use of their poisonous products.



Even if we know that a pesticide causes severe health and environmental impacts, including cancer and genetic damage, it may still be allowed for use. The EPA may determine that a cancer-causing chemical may be used despite its public health hazard if its “economic, social or environmental” benefits are deemed greater than its risk. According to the US EPA, more than 70 active ingredients known to cause cancer in animal tests are allowed for use.
Although industry tests for a wide range of environmental and health impacts, the vast majority of pesticides currently on the market have not been fully tested.

Pesticides often contain inert ingredients in addition to the active ingredients that are designed to kill the target pest. Unfortunately, the public is not provided information about what inert ingredients are included in pesticides in most cases.

At least 382 of the chemicals that the U.S. EPA lists as inert ingredients were once or are currently also registered as pesticide active ingredients. This means that the public is kept in the dark about the contents of pesticide products that may be hazardous. Among the ingredients that are listed as both inert and active ingredients are chloropicrin, which has been linked to asthma and pulmonary edema, and chlorothanonil, a probable human carcinogen.

The Solution to Pesticides

We need to make our food, our air, our water, and our soil free from toxic chemicals.

The real solution to our pest and weed problems lies in non-toxic and cultural methods of agriculture, not in pulling the pesticide trigger. Organically grown foods and sustainable methods of pest control are key to our families’ health and the health of the environment.

Better testing. State and federal agencies should require stricter independent testing, including testing of synergistic effects of pesticides. Pesticides known or suspected of causing human health problems should be phased out.


Protect our children. Because our children are the most vulnerable population to pesticides, pesticide use should be prohibited in places where our children live and play, including schools, parks, and playgrounds. Require strict non-toxic pest management programs for such places.

Pesticide Use Reduction. Provide technical assistance to farmers, local governments, businesses, and homeowners on non-toxic alternatives to pesticide use. This includes alternatives to nuisance spraying for mosquitoes and controlling West Nile virus and other pest problems.

Prohibit pollution of our water and poisoning of our communities. Ensure that aerial pesticide use does not pollute our waterways through strict rules governing spraying and buffer zones that prevent the harmful effects of drift. Prohibit the use of pesticides for purely aesthetic reasons. Prevent pesticide applications to water bodies, instead using non-chemical methods of managing aquatic invasive weeds.

Right to know. Provide free and universal notification to residents about pesticide use, including who is using chemicals, where, when, how, what pesticides are being used, and why.

Protect workers. Provide protection to workers and farmers to prevent acute and chronic pesticide poisoning.


6 Simple Product Swaps

| Inside & Out


There are only 10 weeks until the 31st December and the beginning of a New Year.

Many of us signify “A New Year” as a time to start a fresh, an out with the old and in with the new approach. Millions of us make resolutions to quit this, quit that, be better at this, stronger at that, some even throw themselves into new diets and detox’s. However how many of us think about what needs reforming in our environments and the benefits we could gain by making 2017 the year we decided to begin detoxing our homes and lives of as many toxic chemicals as possible ?


Obviously there are countless changes to be made, yet due to the vast amount of products we employ unwittingly everyday, it would be impossible to eradicate them all in one foul swoop, nonetheless we can progress by making simple changes and healthier choices. After all it really is that important, and maybe one of the most significant resolutions you ever make.

Here’s the deal: Carcinogens in conventional products usually only show up in small amounts. Nevertheless when we use multiple products over and over again, those small amounts compound and that so-called safe allotment grows into something more complicated.

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), women applies around 12 products a day with an average of 168 different ingredients, whilst the average man uses six products daily, with an average of 85 unique ingredients. That’s an awful amount of ingredients we’re putting on our bodies every day, most of which are absorbed it into our bloodstream.

Swapping the toxic, chemical laiden products you have become accustomed to over the years, may seem a daunting task, however, fear not! as there are numerous simple steps in which to obtain safer alternatives. The first place to start, is to ask yourself, which products you use every day, and then adhere to cut down and reduce your exposure to the potential carcinogens within those products.

Here are a few simple product swaps that you can make right now, that will have a significant impact on your health and wellbeing for the better!

1. Deodorant

gty_deodorant_ml_131001_16x9_992 Of course deodorant stops us from smelling less than ideal as a courtesy to our fellow humans but at what cost to ourselves? Many toxins have been found in deodorants — and especially antiperspirants — that are linked to Alzheimer’s, breast cancer, and birth defects. Thankfully, there are numerous natural alternatives on the market, that are super-effective and leave out ingredients like aluminium, triclosan, and parabens, protecting our bloodstream and lymphatic systems.

2. Sunscreen

Another product we all need on a daily basis especially in hot countries like Australia, yet not all formulas are created equal. Vitamin A is a popular ingredient in conventional sunscreens and while it’s great for us when consumed, it can encourage the growth of skin tumors when applied topically and exposed to sunlight.


Chemical sunscreens can also contain oxybenzone (a hormone-disrupting compound), octisalate (a known allergen), and endocrine disruptors such as, homosalate and octinoxate. It is also a smart move to avoid spray-on sunscreens that release nanoparticles into the air.
Instead, say yes to zinc oxide formulas, with natural mineral ingredients that give you excellent protection without the dangerous hormone-disrupting ingredients.

3. Toothpaste

We use toothpaste at least twice a day, which is why it’s crucial to switch to a non-toxic brand. Triclosan is a favoured addition to sanatising soaps and deodorants, but it is also a popular ingredient in conventional toothpaste. Triclosan has been proven to help prevent gingivitis, but it’s also been linked to antibiotic resistance and endocrine disruption, which can potentially cause


breast, ovarian, prostate, and testicular cancer.

Something else to look out for is sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), the ingredient that makes toothpaste foam. Unfortunately, SLS often causes skin irritation and canker sores. The good news is, there are many great herbal alternatives available that leave out these harmful ingredients and still clean and whiten your teeth.

4. Dish Soap

One daily routine many of us have in common is washing dishes after cooking and eating, which means that whatever dish soap you’re using is touching your plates, cups, and silverware, and washing-upultimately soaking into your food. Many dish soaps contain the aforementioned SLS, triclosan, and fragrance. Do you want that stuff to end up on your food and in your body? No I thought not! For this reason always ensure you purchase one of the non-toxic, safe dish soap alternatives instead.

5. Candles

Candles can brighten up our homes and work spaces but they may have a dark secret: Most candles are made from paraffin wax, which creates potent and highly toxic toluene and benzene when burned, the same fumes that are created from diesel fuel.


Another potential problem is the fragrance used in candles because it’s a proprietary ingredient, meaning manufacturers don’t have to list what chemicals are included in the blend. Safer, healthier alternatives are beeswax and soy wax candles that aren’t chemically processed and essential oil diffusers.

6. All-Purpose Cleaner

The all-purpose cleaner is an easy go-to when you’re trying to clean your home, however, spraying one all round your house makes for some serious toxic indoor air. Many mainstream cleaners contain ammonium hydroxide, ethanol-amine, propylene glycol methyl, and dipropylene glycol butyl ether. These ingredients are extremely toxic and can cause harmful effects such as, allergies, irritations, and respiratory symptoms to cancer, damage to DNA, and developmental, endocrine, and reproductive
This stuff is no joke, and we definitely don’t want it floating around our indoor air and hanging out on every surface we touch. A sure way to eradicate these noxious toxins from our environments for good is to ensure that all cleaning products purchased are non-toxic, safe and natural, or better still, set about creating your own formulas from simple basic everyday ingredients, such as, lemons, vinegar, baking soda and essential oils. Not only are these ingredients super effective, you have the added piece of mind that they are 100% child, pet and environmentally friendly, which in anyones book has to be a win win situation.

So lets start cleaning up our homes and lives naturally, by making these 6 easy swaps. I promise you will not find it difficult, and you and your family’s health will benefit from these simple changes immensely. Start today. “Because Your Worth It”!

A Chemical Free Romance

| Inside & Out


According to the Cancer Prevention Coalition, many ingredients in common household cleaning products are suspected of causing human health problems, including hidden cancer-causing ingredients.



Certain chemicals in household cleaners can have an oestrogen-like effect in the body (also called xenoestrogens), which in turn may be responsible for hormone imbalance.

Xenoestrogens have devastating effects on both men and women, including cancer, infertility, allergies, suppressed immune system, obesity, to name a few.AWe are all perfectly aware of the chemical environment we live in. We all swear that “we should clean up our world”! and free it from the chemical substances that poison our lives daily.

Everyone is talking about the environment and rightfully so, we should all be concerned about it. However if we are relying on our governments to do something serious to protect our health and that of our children by reducing chemicals and environmental pollution etc. We need to stop dreaming! It is up to each and every one of us to show our alliance and determination in this area by purchasing everyday products which are non-toxic and chemical free.

If I were to be invited to your home would you be proud to show me a chemical free environment? If I were to look under the sink and in the laundry, what would I find? Products bursting with ingredients such as; chlorine, phosphate, ammonia, formaldehyde, petroleum and solvents?
I am sure your work tops and surfaces are sparkling, the floors spotless and your glasses shiny! but the real question has to be:

Do you still want to stay loycleaning-2al to your favourite chemical cleaning products at the risk of your health? If the answer is no… read on!


There are plenty of conventional cleaning products on the market that promise to kill germs and remove dirt and grime no matter how tough the job, however not only are these products tough on grease and grime they are also tough on your health and the environment!
The toxic formulas found in so many cleaning products on the market are released into the air, into groundwater, streams, rivers and oceans killing animals, interfering with natural ecosystems and even contaminating drinking water. Nice presents we are giving to our children and grandchildren!

To make matters worse, cleaning product manufacturers are not required by law to provide a complete list of ingredients on their labels or even test their products for safety. As a result, many consumers are unaware of the toxic substances they are exposing their family members to on a daily basis. So, take one last look at your cupboard of chemical cleaning products. It’s time to break up.

So, rather than discuss the dangers of your chemical cleaning products, I am going to challenge you to “Walk the Talk”. No more excuses! There is now an abundance of chemical free options and products for you to effectively clean your home, your dishes, your laundry, your office and car! or like myself and so many other people, you can make your own products at home, quickly, simply and cost effectively.

We cannot blame chemical, pharmaceutical, food and drinks companies for their chemical laden products! We have been programmed to seek out cheap products, fast, tasty foods and cool sweet, fizzy drinks? and the global companies will answer to their consumers requests, it is their job and they do it

I truly believe that it is our moral obligation to begin purchasing natural, non-toxic, organic, chemical free, local produce and products, healthy drinks and clean filtered water, when and wherever possible. I know these products are more expensive at the moment but we can not put a price on our health and the future of our children. With greater consumer demand the prices of these products will eventually drop and level out. This I believe is the only way we can force the major companies to switch gear, as it is there job to respond to our demands.

Mercury Rising – Toxins In Mascara!

| Health & Beauty | Inside & Out

If you, like me can not live without the magic wand of your favourite mascara, then you should read this article by Brian Bienkowski of The Environmental Health News at once, and make the change to a safe, organic, natural, toxin free alternative. Because your worth it !!

Mascara exempt from UN mercury treaty.

Under a new global treaty that limits the use of mercury, some light bulbs will be banned. Some batteries, thermometers and medical devices will be banned too. But mascara is exempt.

Last week, about 140 countries signed the United Nations’ Minamata Convention, which includes a ban on mercury in cosmetics and soaps. But mascara and other eye makeup is exempt because “no effective safe substitute alternatives are available” and “the intention is not to cover cosmetics, soaps or creams with trace contaminants,” the treaty says.

Mercury is sometimes used in small amounts in mascara as a preservative and a germ-killer. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration allows it in eye cosmetics at a concentration of up to 65 parts per million.

“The purpose of the products is to inhibitmascara1 the growth of bacteria and fungi that could spoil the products and that could infect and damage the eye, so the risk-benefit analysis favours the use of these preservatives,” said Joanna Tempowski, a scientist for the World Health Organization’s International Programme on Chemical Safety, in an email.

But Stacy Malkan, co-founder of the advocacy group Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, said there is no reason “a known neurotoxin should be allowed in any of these products” because most companies already have found alternatives.

In the United States, “companies just haven’t been using it. There’s absolutely no reason to not include it in the treaty,” Malkan said. “It’s just ridiculous.”

There is no reason “a known neurotoxin should be allowed in any of these products.” –Stacy Malkan, Campaign for Safe CosmeticsMercury is a potent neurotoxicant. High levels can cause serious neurological effects and kidney damage, and, if a pregnant woman is exposed, lower concentrations can disrupt the brain of a developing fetus. However, no scientific studies have examined exposures or effects from the low concentrations found in mascaras or other eye makeup.

The focus of the treaty’s phase-out in cosmetics was on skin lightening creams that use much larger concentrations of mercury as an active ingredient. For those products, the toxic metal can be absorbed at high levels through the skin, and some studies have linked them to kidney damage in women.

Sheila Logan, a program officer with the United Nations’ Mercury and Other Metals team, said in an email response that when the treaty’s cosmetics ban goes into effect in 2020, there probably will be “few or no products” with mercury.Alternatives exist for some mascaras – particularly those with shorter shelf lives – but not for all, Logan scts that currently do not have smascara5ubstitute preservatives, she did not respond.aid. When asked for examples of those prod

The Personal Care Products Council, the trade group for the cosmetics industry, is not aware of any manufacturers using mercury in mascara, said Linda Loretz, the group’s chief toxicologist.

But according to a database compiled by the Environmental Working Group, six mascaras and two eyelash makeups manufactured by Bari Cosmetics, Ltd. under the Love My Eyes brand contain thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative. The database is compiled from the ingredients listed on the boxes. The products were added to the database between July and September of this year.

Bari Cosmetics, Ltd. directed calls to the parent company, Revlon, which did not respond to requests for comment.

The FDA does not require ingredients that comprise less than 1 percent of a cosmetic product to be divulged on the label, so a lot more products may have thimerosal and consumers would never know, said Kristin Adams, chief executive officer of Afterglow Cosmetics, a natural and organic cosmetic company.

“The purpose of the products [preservatives] is to inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi that could spoil the products and that could infect and damage the eye.” –Joanna Tempowski, World Health OrganizationInstead of mercury, some major brands use phenoxyethanol, methylisothiazolinone, parabens and formaldehyde releasers as preservatives, according to the group’s database.

mascaraSuch substitutes also may not be benign; formaldehyde is carcinogenic to humans, and parabens may be linked to hormone disruption. But none of the substitutes is as toxic as mercury, said Sonya Lunder, an Environmental Working Group senior analyst.

Adams said many big cosmetics companies use preservatives such as mercury and parabens because they are good at what they do – extend shelf life.

“They (large companies) are looking for a 5-year shelf life for their product because it’s all about cost of goods for them,” she said. “Cosmetics will go bad very fast.”

Adams wouldn’t divulge what Afterglow Cosmetics uses instead, but said they adhere to a France-based network that developed a non-toxic standard for cosmetics.

“We see alternatives, why not just include [eye makeup] in the ban?” Malkan said. “Women should not be putting something so toxic right by their eyeballs.”






Luscious Lips Or Poisonus Pout?

| Health & Beauty | Inside & Out


I find it extremely concerning to read an article written by the Environmental working agency, on the research of lead in lipstick, which indicates that the problem is much more widespread than previous research had believed:According to the report:

“Millions of women get a little bit of toxic lead on their lips each day with every swipe of their lipstick,” said Jane Houlihan, senior VP for research at Environmental Working Group. “There is no safe level of lead exposure. The biggest concern is for pregnant women – lead is a potent neurotoxin and the fetus and very young children are most at risk. Some companies make lead-     free lipsticks, and we think all companies should.”

The EWG signed a copy of the letter below, from the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics to the government’s top cosmetics regulator, Linda Katz, M.D., M.P.H., director of FDA’s Office of Cosmetics and Colors.

The letter to FDA’s Katz said:

“Your new analysis found lead levels in lipstick more than twice as high as your previous report. As in previous studies, certain manufacturers consistently have higher lead levels than other brands. The most-contaminated brand, Maybelline Color Sensation made by L’Oreal USA, had lead levels more than 275 times the level found in the least contaminated brands, and more than seven times higher than the average found in all the lipsticks. Clearly, some manufacturers could be doing more to protect women from unnecessary lead exposure.”

There are plenty of toxin free alternatives on the market today which you and your children can apply safely, make the switch today – “Because your worth it” !!!!

Wash Day Warning!

We have all been programmed to believe that besides washing and drying our clothes, we must also “soften” them too, hence the appearance of fabric softeners.
It has become a part of our washing ritual to add a capful of chemical fabric softener to each and every wash

The truth is fabric softeners are completely unnecessary and the poisonous chemicals they contain could be harming you and your families health and wellbeing. Especially newborns and young children, who we believe should be wrapped up tight in soft fluffy towels and blankets.

Conventional Fabric softeners are highly toxic and have been linked to various forms of cancer, brain damage and respiratory distress?
This needless commodity includes a combination of harmful ingredients such as: benzyl acetate (linked to pancreatic cancer), benzyl alcohol (an upper respiratory tract irritant), ethanol (linked to central nervous system disorders), limonene (a known carcinogen) and chloroform (a neurotoxin and carcinogen), among others.

Besides the detrimental effects to our health, a secondary negative to using a liquid fabric softener is that the toxins leach into our oceans and waterways, poisoning wildlife and our fragile planet.

If you are now thinking that dryer sheets are a good alternative, well think again! Once the sheets are heated in the dryer they release fumes and chemicals into the air which are breathed into our bodies through our lungs, and in turn may cause breathing difficulties.

So what is the solution ?? The solution is simple “ You don’t need fabric softener”.

Switch to a 100% natural softener, add a quarter cup of baking soda or vinegar to your wash cycle, or make the home-made recipe below and you will never have to pour a capful of toxins into your washing machine again!fabric-conditioner


2 cups of Epsom salt or course sea salt
20-30 drops of your favourite essential oil or blend of oils (Lemon & Lavender work well)
1/2 cup baking soda


Mix together Epsom salt or course sea salt with your chosen essential oil, before stirring in the baking soda.

Combine well and place in an airtight container.  Add 3 to 4 heaped tablespoons to each load and enjoy naturally fragrant, soft washing with no nasties. Recipe can be made in bulk and extra essential oils added for a stronger aroma.

Are You Poisoning Your Baby?

| Inside & Out


Baby products full of toxic ingredients, do more harm than good.

Conventional baby products contain a whole host of undesirable ingredients, which penetrate the skin and enter into your precious bundles fragile body every time you use them. Do not be taken in by the clever marketing campaigns of this multi million dollar industry.
The truth is your baby’s skin does not require all of this intervention and with new borns, less is definitely best.


For this reason it is wise to cease purchasing these formulas at once and switch to 100% natural products. Oils such as olive oil, almond oil and coconut oil are all excellent for moisturising your babies skin and extremely cost effective at the same time. If you must buy baby products, read all labels carefully and check for the main 5 offenders listed below. Protect your children from these toxic chemicals, they are depending on you to do the right thing.

1. Talc

This powdered mineral is added to baby powder (and many other cosmetic powders). It’s used as a drying agent, but it’s a known lung irritant and may also be carcinogenic.

“The mineral talc tends to occur in rock mass formations that are intermingle with other magnesium silicate minerals, including the highly dangerous asbestos. Since it is virtually impossible to extract the talc rock from the asbestos during the mining process, the carcinogenic contaminant is almost invariably going to be carried over into any consumer product containing talc.”

Ever since this news came out in the late 1990s, some companies have switched to talc-free baby powders, but there are still problems with many of the ingredients on their lists.


Adorable Baby Girl Taking a Bath

2. Fragrance

Fragrance is added to countless products, either to create a particular fragrance or to mask the odour of the nasty chemicals used in production. The problem with fragrance is that it’s a catch-all term for whatever secret ingredients companies wish to add (they are not obligated to reveal what’s contained within ‘fragrance’), and are generally made of coal and petroleum derived synthetic chemicals.

The effects of fragrance are long lasting, lingering on the skin for hours, and can cause respiratory, neurological, skin, and eye damage. There is evidence that exposure to fragrance as a child may lead to asthma. Fragrance is added to disposable nappies), baby powder, baby wash and shampoo, lotions, and many other baby products. Check the labels carefully before you buy.

3. Proplyene glycol

This chemical is a penetration enhancer that is easily absorbed by the skin and may be carcinogenic. Its job is basically to open up all the pores and let the other chemicals in. Propylene glycol is used in wiper fluid and to de-ice airplanes, and yet it is often found in baby wipes, which is not safe. Look out for polyethylene glycol (PEG) and polypropylene glycol (PPG) on labels, too.

4. 1,4-dioxane and ethylated surfactants

The Environmental Working group (EWG) found that 57 percent of baby soaps are contaminated with 1,4-dioxane. Although it’s never listed as an ingredient, 1,4-dioxane is often present in beauty products because it is a contaminant or by-product that occurs when “ethylene oxide, a known breast carcinogen is added to other chemicals to make them less harsh.

If you see any ingredients that contain the letters eth, then that is an indicator of the presence of 1,4-dioxane. Stay away from polyethylene, polyethylene glycol, sodium laureth sulfate, ceteareth, oleth, oxynol, xynol, and PEG.


5. Mineral oil

Baby oil is essentially made of mineral oil mixed with fragrance, which is a nasty combination. Mineral oil is a cheap byproduct of petroleum processing and acts as a plastic wrap on the skin, inhibiting the skin’s ability to release toxins. Opt instead for natural and nourishing oils such as olive, coconut, or sweet almond to massage into your baby’s skin.

6. Parabens

Unfortunately parabens are everywhere. They can be found in all soaps, body washes, shampoos, and moisturizers, including those marketed toward babies. Parabens are neurotoxins and are linked to reproductive toxicity, hormone disruption, and skin irritation. Stay away from anything with ‘paraben’ in its name, as well as benzoic acid and propyl ester.

7. Triclosan

Anything that’s labeled as ‘antibacterial’ likely contains triclosan, which is a carcinogenic endocrine disruptor that’s also harmful to the environment. Although it makes sense to want to keep your baby away from unnecessary bacteria, that’s the wrong approach to take. By raising our babies in sterile environments, we inhibit their ability to create natural resistance and immunity, increase the likelihood of allergies, and render antibacterial treatments less effective for when we truly need them to work. Stay away from all antibacterial soaps and body washes.

So there you have it, time to kick the chemicals for a healthier brighter future for you and your little angels. I promise you won’t regret it!

Get Clean-Go Green!

| Inside & Out


Say goodbye to toxic chemicals and transform your health and your home instantly!

It is an unfortunate reality that as a part of today’s society, we all live in an extremely polluted world. Day in and day out, our families and ecosystem are constantly and needlessly exposed to and besieged by, hundreds of dangerous chemicals, pesticides and highly toxic ingredients. Our ultra-modern, high-speed, throw away civilisation forces us to face an alarming rate of health issues, including allergies, thyroid complaints, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disorders, cancer, infertility, hormone disruption, skin irritations and Alzheimer’s disease to name but a few.

Thankfully, we are becoming increasingly aware that such chemicals, poisons and toxins are especially detrimental to our health and people are now modifying their diets by consuming more organic, farm-fresh, chemical-free produce, rather than the conventional processed products sold in regular supermarkets. This is a giant step forward for mankind and our overall well-being, yet we must understand it is not only what we consume that causes us to be exposed to hazardous chemicals.

Toxins are all around us, especially in our homes and environments. They feature in household cleaning products, cosmetics, skin care, furniture, flooring, bedding, electronics and cooking equipment; therefore it is equally important we protect our homes and environment, assuring they are in optimum health along with our bodies and minds. Millions of people have attempted a detox to eliminate internal toxins from their bodies yet how many of us do anything about eliminating the mounting toxin levels in our homes? Household cleaners, beauty products, skin care, make-up and various everyday items are being extensively scrutinised and the findings are proving hugely destructive to humankind. Effects are disturbing and wide-ranging, including reproductive, nervous, immune, cardiovascular and respiratory disorders, which is why quitting chemical-laden, processed foods alone is not enough. To optimise our total wellbeing significantly, we must also remove these pollutants from our homes.


One way to achieve this is to educate ourselves, ensuring we are all armed with the knowledge required to transform our lives and environments into safer, healthier spaces. We must vote through our choices and stop purchasing toxic formulas; after all, if there is no demand, there will be no supply. Surely this will force companies to think twice and begin manufacturing non-chemical and non-toxic products. Lets all make a stand and put an end to supporting organisations that pollute and poison our bodies, our children, our homes and our planet. Quit accepting it is a necessity to have chemicals and toxins in our lives.

chemical statistics reveal the average home contains up to 1000 chemicals, a number of which are considered unsafe or have not been thoroughly tested. While certain chemicals can be tolerated in small doses, they may, however, become problematic if combined or when we are exposed to them in large or frequent doses. We are all individuals and have different genetics and tolerance levels. Therefore, it is difficult to determine at what levels the chemicals begin to affect our general wellbeing, nevertheless it is a fact that abundant toxins can and do, lead to health problems. This alone should be enough of a reason to question what is hiding behind the confusing labels, clever marketing and fancy packaging of these perilous products. For the sake of our health, we must boycott these items immediately, making a stance against the authorities that allow companies to sell toxic poisons that can cause us irreversible harm.

By limiting contact and exposure to household chemicals, we instantly reduce the risk of hormonal imbalances, in turn yielding huge benefits, including fewer skin irritations, allergies, headaches and asthma, even lowering the risk of infertility and cancer.
Now is the time to take the health of your family home into your own hands, by looking closely at exactly what is lurking underneath your kitchen sink, within your bathroom cabinets and laundry. No doubt you will discover an array of conventional cleaning products containing a wealth of dangerous poisons. It is drastically important that not only do we change our diets but that we also incorporate lifestyle modifications and positive changes in and around our homes.
By taking the time to focus on our immediate environments and implementing simple adjustments, while thoroughly undergoing a major product clear out, we immediately reduce our ongoing exposure to chemical laden threats.


I understand only too well knowing exactly what to do to achieve this can seem mind boggling and overwhelming. For instance, where should you start? How much is there to do? How much will it cost? These are all commonly asked questions and precisely the reason I started my website.

Natures army is committed to spreading the word and informing society on the ongoing horrors and hazards that toxic everyday household items can wreak on our overall wellbeing, and how simply, by being mindful when purchasing products and opting for chemical free alternatives you are significantly improving your families health.

Join us today in our fight against conventional chemical based commodities, which are damaging the health of mankind and our fragile planet and take your first step towards a greener, cleaner, healthier future. Because you and your family are worth it.