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Save the Environment with smart Cleaning Choices

When you choose to use green cleaning products, you are making a vote to protect the environment so to speak. Most ideal green cleaning products are made using sustainable manufacturing practices and naturally derived, safe, non-toxic, and biodegradable ingredients that don’t negatively impact the environment.

On the other hand, some conventional cleaning products contain ingredients that are toxic, hazardous, non-biodegradable, and are made from non-renewable resources such as petroleum which adversely affect our precious earth’s eco-systems.

As an experienced chemical-free and natural cleaning company, we have taken our knowledge and research to the next level and launched our own natural cleaning product range. These products accompany our services and meet the highest standards of quality and hygiene. We are offering a Natures Army Purifying Room Spray, Multi Purpose Cleaner and Anti-Bacterial Disinfectant Spray.

All three products are lovingly handcrafted by our team in Sydney. Each formula contains only safe ingredients you can trust such as; filtered water, organic essential oils and natural plant based components, Our products are also 100% cruelty free, vegan, eco friendly and biodegradable.

What makes our Australian tea tree oil special?

tea treeNo chemical-free cleaning kit is complete without tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is distilled from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia plant, found in Queensland and New South Wales. Tea tree oil has been used as a traditional medicine by Aborigines for centuries. They crush tea tree leaves to extract the oil, which is then inhaled to treat coughs and colds or applied directly to the skin for healing. The oil possesses antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antifungal properties. We use tea tree oil in our Anti-Bacterial Disinfectant Spray.

This spray is excellent for cleaning and disinfecting most surfaces around the home, especially toilets, door handles, light switches, tiled areas in bathrooms, laundries and kitchens. Also suitable for bins, chopping boards, babies change tables, children’s areas, play mats (and their toys).

Natures Army Disinfectant Spray

Disinfectant Spray

Natures Army Disinfectant Spray is handmade with love in Australia from safe, natural ingredients you can trust, by our own team of eco-cleaning professionals to protect your home, your family and our fragile planet. Our intoxicating disinfectant spray is derived from a blend of essential oils blessed with powerful, natural, anti-bacterial properties to keep your home safe, clean and fresh without the need for harsh toxic chemicals.

How to use:
Shake well before use. Excellent for cleaning and disinfecting most surfaces around the home, especially toilets, door handles, light switches, tiled areas in bathrooms, laundries and kitchens. Also suitable for bins, chopping boards, babies change tables, children’s areas, play mats (and their toys). Do not use on porous, lacquered or natural wood surfaces. Patch test before use.

Ingredients: distilled water, white vinegar, tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil

  • Anti-bacterial
  • Disinfectant
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Free from dangerous chemicals
  • Non-toxic
  • Not tested on animals
  • Palm oil free
  • Vegan

External use only
Store away from direct sunlight
Keep out of the reach of children

Refill • Reuse • Recycle


Zingy lemon disinfectant

A worthy all-purpose disinfectant, highly effective at killing germs on all ceramic surfaces. Spray on tiles and ceramic surfaces, and leave for a few minutes before wiping with a clean damp cloth.

6 tablespoons lemon juice

2 teaspoons borax substitute

½ teaspoon washing soda/soda crystals

6 tablespoons white vinegar

3 cups filtered/distilled hot water

Mix together all ingredients in a glass spray bottle.

Carefully add the hot water, and shake the bottle until all of the ingredients have dissolved. Always shake bottle before use.

How to Clean Chrome Safely and Naturally

Shine chrome taps and fixtures with undiluted white vinegar. It is ideal for removing streaks from stainless steel taps and appliances. Apply the vinegar with a clean microfibre cloth and buff dry to a high gloss finish. Undiluted vodka is also an excellent option, rub directly on to chrome fittings and fixtures, allow to dry, and buff with a clean, dry microfibre cloth for a beautiful, polished and germ-free finish.

Note: As with all cleaning products, keep vodka sprays and solutions out of reach of children and animals due to the alcohol content.

Toothpaste is also a quick fix to make chrome taps, door handles and door knobs sparkle. Place a good squeeze of toothpaste onto a clean cloth and rub over the surface of the tap or handle, leave for a minute before buffing to a high shine.

Or for badly stained fittings try making up the Chrome, copper and stainless steel cleaner recipe. The addition of the salt in this recipe lends a slightly abrasive texture, yet the solution remains gentle enough not to scratch.

The Vodka soda glass and surface cleaner is also excellent for effortless everyday cleaning of chrome taps and fixings.

What you put on your body is just as important as what you put in it!

Your skin is the largest organ of your body and since it is porous, it absorbs whatever you put on it. Healthy skin is vital for our survival both emotionally and physically. To boost these capabilities, we need to understand its role and importance in our overall health and learn how to better care for our skin. With everything from chemicals in the skin care products we slather on, environmental toxins and pollutants, harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, pathogens, antigens and UV radiation attacking it, skin needs to be in tip top shape to ward off illness and keep us healthy.

Homemade body scrubs are non toxic, easy to make, inexpensive and extremely effective at reviving over worked, dehydrated, tired out skin. Explore our Health & Beauty Blog Section with little D.I.Y. scrub wonders that are excellent at removing dead skin cells, leaving behind a healthy glow. Your skin will instantly feel soft and hydrated to the touch. The essential oils can be added to accentuate your mood, for example lavender to relax and sooth or grapefruit to awaken and invigorate the senses. The choice is yours, feel free to experiment.

The Rose recipe is one of my particular favourites, it is especially soothing and calming to the skin and the senses, enjoy!

1 Cup course sea salt or Himalayan pink
4 Tablespoons melted unrefined coconut oil
4 Tablespoons grape seed or almond oil
2 teaspoons Crushed Dried Rose Petals
5-10 Drops rose essential oil

Mix salt and oils together with a fork or spoon. Add the rose petals until everything is combined. Decant into a pretty glass jar and enjoy! Keeps for up to 1 month.

The Cleaning Power of Salt For Non-Toxic Cleaning Purposes

Salt is a chemical compound of sodium and chlorine, and is one of the most basic, plentiful molecules on earth. This simple compound is essential to life itself, as our bodies require salt to function correctly and to regulate our fluid levels.

Salt is present in our vast expanse of oceans and seas. It can be found on the surface of the ocean as brine and below the skin of the earth in the form of salt licks. The salt forms in white veins and is often mined from shafts over half a mile deep.

We are all aware of the significance of salt in cooking, but this resourceful compound is widely employed in over 14,000 commercial applications, from paper production to road safety. This makes it an important and essential mineral for humankind. For centuries, it has played a key role in economic, religious, social and political practices and it is a common topic in many stories, fables and fairy tales.

Today, salt occupies a momentous role in our daily lives with its ability to season and preserve food. It transforms our dependence on seasonal availability, and enables us to store and ship consumables around the world without them spoiling. Salt is inexpensive, easy to obtain and a commodity that we often take for granted. However, in ancient times, it was highly valued and its production was legally restricted, hence its historical use as a method of trade and currency. In fact, the word ‘salary’ derives from salt, and in Roman times it was common practice to pay soldiers wages with this highly prized mineral.

There are  many forms of salt produced today: unrefined salt such as Celtic, Himalayan, kosher, and sea salt; as well as refined, iodised table salt. All these salts can be used to deal with the toughest jobs around the house.

One of the most common, inexpensive household products, salt is an extraordinary cleaning and deodorising agent that can be used as an abrasive for scrubbing and eliminating mould and mildew, or diluted and dissolved into various cleaning solutions. It quickly absorbs foul odours and prevents grease and grime build-up as its granular texture acts as a gentle yet effective scourer.

Salt is extremely versatile and can tackle a wide range of household cleaning tasks. It can be used alone, or mixed with other natural agents; for example, lemon, vinegar and baking soda to boost their cleansing and deodorising powers.

All you need to know about Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound with a formula of H2O2. It is the only germicidal agent composed solely of water and oxygen. This astounding solution kills dangerous germs and micro-organisms through a process of oxidation and is considered to be the world’s safest, all-natural disinfectant and sanitiser. Now that’s an impressive accolade! It was first discovered in 1818 by Louis Jaques Thenard,  who happened to stumble upon it quite by chance, while burning barium salts to produce barium peroxide. Thenard noticed that when barium peroxide came into contact with water and dissolved, hydrogen peroxide was produced. Over many years, he worked tirelessly to improve this process and his was the most common method of production until the mid-twentieth century.

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound with a formula of H2O2. It is the only germicidal agent composed solely of water and oxygen. This astounding solution kills dangerous germs and micro-organisms through a process of oxidation and is considered to be the world’s safest, all-natural disinfectant and sanitiser. Now that’s an impressive accolade! It was first discovered in 1818 by Louis Jaques Thenard,  who happened to stumble upon it quite by chance, while burning barium salts to produce barium peroxide. Thenard noticed that when barium peroxide came into contact with water and dissolved, hydrogen peroxide was produced. Over many years, he worked tirelessly to improve this process and his was the most common method of production until the mid-twentieth century.

In 1863 it was proved that hydrogen peroxide was present in rainwater and the American Medical Association announced that this had long been Mother Nature’s way of sterilising herself.

Hydrogen peroxide has a lengthy history as a bleaching agent, steriliser, oxidiser and disinfectant. Both gentle and non-toxic, it is used in a variety of industries around the world. A recent study showed hydrogen peroxide to be a powerful and highly effective disinfectant for surfaces in research labs, animal labs, and hospital rooms, thus rendering it an excellent product for bathrooms and kitchens. This natural commodity offers endless cleaning possibilities. You can purchase 3-10% hydrogen peroxide at most supermarkets and grocery stores. I usually use 3% strength and find this is adequate for most cleaning tasks around the home.

Often referred to as “The Wonder Cleaner”, hydrogen peroxide is non-toxic, practical, inexpensive and an excellent green cleaner. Hydrogen peroxide kills germs and organisms through oxidation and is considered the safest and most effective natural sanitiser available. Therefore, it is a fantastic environmentally-friendly alternative to bleach.

Natural Lemon and Rosemary Room Freshener

Smells are everywhere in our home, and sometimes they aren’t too fresh. What do you do with a kitchen that smells like it’s full of garlic or seafood? Or a bathroom that doesn’t smell like a bouquet of roses? Before reaching for an air freshener that may contain chemicals (some of the “natural” air fresheners can contain them as well), take a deep breath and make your own green alternative. Here is one of my favourite recipes that is easy, cost-friendly and uses simple ingredients. They are are great household addition to battle bad smells and keep your home smelling fresh naturally.

1 sliced organic lemon
2 tablespoons rosemary oil
2 cups of water
A dash of vanilla

Simply mix all ingredients into a pot, simmer on low heat on the stovetop. As the water evaporates, feel free to add more. You can use this over several days, adding more water as needed. Enjoy!

Natural Antifungal spray

1 cup filtered/distilled water
1 cup vodka
20 drops of tea tree oil or thyme oil*

Pour Vodka and filtered water into a glass spray bottle with the essential oils of your choice.
*I tend to favour tea tree or thyme oil for this recipe because of their powerful antifungal properties; but lavender, cinnamon, clove, cilantro, cedar-wood, coriander, lemon oil or a mixture of any of these oils will also be effective.

An extremely effective disinfectant that is excellent at eliminating mould and mildew because of its wealth of antifungal properties. Shake well before use. Spray on affected areas and leave to work for 10 minutes before wiping off with a clean, damp microfibre cloth.