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Natural sanitising hand soap

Filtered/distilled water
3 tablespoons liquid Castile soap
½ teaspoon olive oil
5 drops essential oil (tea tree, eucalyptus or peppermint work well in bathrooms, lemon and lavender are a perfect choice for the kitchen)

Pour the water into a liquid soap dispenser until almost full, add the liquid Castile soap, olive oil and essential oil. Replace the soap dispenser lid and gently shake to combine the solution.

Place a bottle next to each sink in your home and use daily to keep hands super clean and bug-free.

Make the most of your Mangoes!

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Mangoes to us mean summer, sunshine and long light evenings serenaded by kookaburras. With the Australian Mango Season from September – February this is the best time to make the most of your juicy Mangoes. They are quick and easy to prepare, bursting with nutritional value and there are a range of varieties to be enjoyed all season long. But best of all, mangoes are versatile; delicious as a healthy snack on their own, perfectly pared with chicken or prawn, refreshing drinks, smoothies or sweet desserts.

Mango Smoothie

1 cup frozen diced mango
1/2 cup coconut yogurt
2 tsp fresh ginger
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/4 tsp cinnamon

Blend all ingredients until smooth and decorate the glass with mint leaves and some turmeric.

Mango Lemonande

2 cups mango chunks (about 2 fresh mangoes)
Juice of 1 medium lemon
12 oz water
1-2 tsp raw honey (optional)

Blend all ingredients and divide evenly between two large glasses. Add ice and enjoy!


Ginger spice shake and vac

Ginger spice shake and vac is a powder carpet freshener which eliminates lingering, pet and cooking odours that get trapped in carpets. With this recipe you can sprinkle the mixture evenly over the carpet and vacuum thoroughly for a clean, fresh scent in minutes.

½ cup baking soda
½ cup borax substitute
5 drops cinnamon essential oil
2 drops of ginger essential oil

Mix all the ingredients together and spoon into an empty spice jar or cocoa shaker, or any other vessel with a sprinkler lid..

This spicy deodoriser is especially effective at eliminating pet odours from carpets and rugs, leaving them feeling and smelling instantly fresher. Shake the powder over carpets or rugs and leave to work for a few hours before vacuuming clean.

Pre-Order The “Home Detox” now to receive a 10% discount and a signed copy of the book!

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Home Detox

Our homes should have a positive effect on our wellbeing, and offer a safe haven where we can retreat to with our loved ones, to escape the clutter and chaos of our busy lives.
However, opening the door after a hectic day’s work or play may not offer the sweet, wholesome, experience we had in mind.

In fact, our homes could actually be making us sick!

Unfortunately, many conventional household cleaning products we use to clean our homes with today are extremely toxic, and the impact from these so-called essential commodities can be decidedly negative and costly to our health.

The “Beginning a life less toxic” home detox, will take you through a factual and easy to implement series of processes, recipes and ideas that will assist in removing harmful toxins and chemicals from your families lives in the very environment where we should all feel the safest – The Home!
Pre-Order your copy now and receive a 10% discount
All Pre-Ordered books will be signed copies